Note: This site is not used in a production environment and was used for demonstration purposes only.

All images and renders were created by the team or used under one of these licenses:

Raster Images:

Pexels License
Pixabay License

Vector Illustrations:

Scale License
Font Awesome 5 License

Sites used for ideas, inspiration, or research:

E3 Expo
Tekrevol - Making a Game Design Document

Documentation/Resources Used:

Bootstrap 5
Stack Overflow (Specific threads are linked in comments within CSS)
Real Favicon Generator
CSS Timeline
CSS Button Animation
JS Email Validation
JS Phone Number Validation

Bootstrap 5 was used as a framework for this website. No templates were used from Bootstrap and all designs were built by the team.

The Game Design Document, Game Trailer, Concept Art, Code Snippets, and playable game were all projects made by team members in the past and are included in the site for demonstration purposes.

Copyright Checklist

Plan of Work Log